Get paid for helping your current patients!

  • Get your pharmacy accredited

    This course will move fast to help you meet the requirements of accreditation so that you can bill for diabetes education. Currently one-on-one education pays $120/hour and group education pays for up to 20 people at $28/hour per person (yes that's a potential of $560/hour!). It's estimated that 26.8% of adults over age 65, and 13% of all adults in the United States have Diabetes. This means that you likely have people coming in your doors every day that could benefit from this service, generating extra revenue beyond dispensing.

  • How hard is it to get accredited?

    To get accredited, you simply need to prove that you meet the six required standards. We find that most pharmacies already meet many of these standards. We help you document the standards you do meet, and identify those you don't, so that you can easily achieve all six standards. We have a turn key process with operations manuals custom built to the way your business is set up, saving you a ton of time. After documenting proof of those standards in your pharmacy, you simply send your documentation and accreditation fee into the accrediting body. The accreditation fee is a one time cost that covers four years of accreditation.

  • How does the course work?

    This course will meet once a week for 6 weeks. Each week you will receive homework items with an easy to follow checklist. You will bring those completed homework items with you to the next virtual class where we will show you how to document them. Over the course of the 6 weeks you will build your own operations manual that will be ready to submit for accreditation. After your operations manual is built and sent in, we will meet for an additional 2 weeks to discuss marketing and setting your program up for profit and sustainability. If you miss a live class, don't worry! All classes will be recorded and we are available by email for any questions you have along the way!

Course Cost - Registration Closes February 23rd, 2025!

After completing this course you will send your completed homework in with an accreditation fee that is good for four years. Class Starts Feb. 25th and repeats every Tuesday.